Riggerous Thinking is a website dedicated to highline rigging. Our focus is providing technical educational content for riggers of all skill levels. We hope to cover all aspects of the sport, from rigging fundamentals to advanced techniques, with a special focus on new and previously undocumented techniques. More than anything, we hope to promote rigorous thinking in the rigging space.

Riggerous Thinking originally began as Philip's Slackline Blog. Philip started the blog in July of 2022 to share the use of grog splices in split connections. The old blog was impossible to find, and didn't have a catchy name, so it was expanded to its present state in 2025.
About Philip
Philip is on the Safety Commission for the International Slackline Association (ISA), which he joined in 2020. In 2022, he started the Paradise Highline Community Rigging School, which he wrote the curriculum for and still heads. In 2023 he became a Senior Instructor for the ISA Rigger Certification, and has taught numerous certifications in the United States and Canada. He has also rigged a number of US highline records and attempts (more attempts than records), and in 2024 helped set the world record 3km line "Absurdian" in Nevada.
Support Us
Riggerous Thinking provides free, high quality information on highline rigging. Our work often involves expensive destructive testing of gear, which can get expensive quickly. If you find this content helpful and would like to support more highline education, consider donating through PayPal or Venmo.
Follow us on Instagram.
We can be reached by email at queen.philip@gmail.com.
For issues related to the site, proposed contributions, or to see a history of changes, view the site on GitHub.