This is a collection of resources for more information on rigging. Some of the content is specific to highlining, some of it is just general rigging knowledge. The FAQs section links to resources answering frequently asked questions.

We cannot vouch for all of the information in these resources. Always look at new information with a critical eye.
Other Blogs
- Slack Science - Balance Community - One of the longest running slackline blogs, published by Balance Community's Jerry Miszewski. The recent articles are very well researched, featuring exhaustive testing. The blog is quite old though, so be wary of out of date information in older articles.
- Well Balanced Physics - Ben Plotkin-Swing - A little bit of rigging information, mixed with slackline history, trip reports, and philosophy. The article "A new technique for bolted anchors" is especially worth reading, and was a primary inspiration for this website.
- Sea Air Thai - A rigging/rescue gear store operating out of Thailand, their website has good info on general rigging practices.
- Tension Calculator - Balance Community - A tool for calculating your highline tension in relation to length, sag, and weight.
- Backup Fall Simulator - International Slackline Association - A tool for estimating the height and force of backup falls, which includes splits and webbing specs into its simulation.
- Slackline App - International Slackline Association - A collection of tools including unit conversions, tension calculators, and distance measurement.
Papers and Publications
- Highline Publications - International Slackline Association - The best source for accident reports and research specifically related to highlining.
- Papers - International Technical Rescue Symposium - A large back catalog of technical rescue content, covering the spectrum of rescue practice from rigging to medical to human factors.
- Safe Climbing - A nonprofit dedicated to safe bolting practices.
- Why does doubling a rope double its strength? Sling Strength vs. Single Strand - Over the Edge Rescue
- What's the difference between rope and cord? Rope and Accessory Cord, What's the Difference? - Sea Air Thai